Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve
is here.

I'm in Madison, WI at my mom's new digs. Nope, no snow here either BUT, there's a bit of a chance for tomorrow - a flake or two could possibly be flying around out there.

I got to have a nice visit with my brother, John yesterday along with my s-i-l Kathy, neice Kelly and nephew Bryan. SO great to see them all. And I hadn't seen the long lost Bryan for quite a few years, so that was really great. He has plans for the future and seems to be doing great. I'm so glad he wanted to come. Of course, I got some photos, but not able to post them yet - didn't bring my camera cable, etc.

I also got to talk to both of my other sibs yesterday. I'll see Barb on Tuesday - can't wait for that.

Mom seems to be recovering well from a nasty fall she took about three weeks ago - went face/head first over her walker in a hotel bathroom and kissed the floor. Only broke a bone on the side of her hand, cut her lip (and required stitches) and bruised her face and ribs. The ribs are still quite sore, but the bruising isn't noticeable anymore. She still needs lots of help, though. Her "girls" have been staying 24/7, but, since I'm here, I opted to go solo in the nursing department. Mom's doing really well at night, so I'm able to sleep fine - in fact was up first this a.m. (hence, the free time to blog). Well, okay, that's because the basket fell off mom's walker and she got hung up on it (i.e. "stuck") and yelled for me (which I strongly encouraged). That was at 6:30 a.m., so when I was still awake (back in bed) at 7 a.m., I surrendered and got up and got a shower and hurried to the quietness of the computer.

The sun should shine today - haven't seen it for a while. We have a brunch here in the dining room around noon and that's it for the big plans. I think we'll watch "A Christmas Story" on TV, as it's running all day.

For now, I've commissioned Chris to, "go ye forth and findeth a Starbucks and returneth not without a tall peppermint mocha.". Do I hear an amen?


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