Monday, January 26, 2009

(Click on images for closer view)
There's two of my latest scrapbook pages. I've been working with the newest collection from SIStv - I believe it's called Modern Retro, but the name may change. Not sure when it will be available for sale, but soon, I'm sure. I LOVE it. There's so much to it. Both layouts use pretty much exclusively stuff from the collection.

The icy-cold here continues. I think that will be the "word" for this winter. We keep getting little bits of snow here and there. Yesterday afternoon it put down about an inch - and we didn't even know it was coming. That made for some challenging driving as we took Eva home and then went to M&M's for dinner last night. I'm supposed to be hosting our "local" card group here on Wednesday and this morning Chris tells me we're supposed to get 4-8 inches that day. Well, we'll see. You never really know until the actual day comes.

We had a yummy dinner with the kids last night. And we played our first games - bowling and golf - of Wii. Chris and I have been talking about getting this and I think last night convinced us. It's really fun and it actually involves getting up off your behind and MOVING! So I'm all over that! We've also been thinking about getting a large flat-screen TV. Supposedly, the prices are really down with the surge of TV's being purchased for the digital switch that's happening. Of course, we're already digital because we use DirecTV, but we've been craving a larger picture. So, if we get the Wii, too, I suppose we'll spend the rest of the winter down in the TV room. Well, I guess if we're at least moving and not being total couch potatoes, that can't be TOO bad of a thing. I think I'll do a little survey in a couple weeks, though, of people that have gotten the Wii Fit and said that they loved it. I want to know if they're STILL doing it and STILL think it was a great buy. You know how "new toys" are...

Well, speaking of moving, I'm going to get off my behind right now and go lift some weights!

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