Saturday, April 28, 2007

This is our granddog. Taco. Yes, he can fly. He kind of looks like a big, muscle-y fly, doesn't he? But then, with the background, he becomes more fairy-ish. I'm fascinated and greatly amused by this photo. Hope you enjoy it, too...

Well, the countdown has begun. Actually, it's been going on for quite a while. And, come to think of it, there's TWO countdowns happening.

The first is for when I'm done working - FOREVER. The kind you get paid for, anyway. I only have 9 more working days as I write this. And I've been SO crazy-busy at work, too. My dear boss keeps thinking of all these wonderful projects I should get done before I leave. Before I know it, I'll have half of next semesters workload completed! I understand where he's coming from. As he put it, when my last day is here I'm going to really need a rest!

But, am I going to have a rest? Noooooo. The very next day after I'm done with work, I'm packing my bags and heading to Harrisburg to spend the night so I can fly out to Madison the next day. My siblings and I are surprising my mom for her 80th birthday which is the day after Mother's Day. That will be great, even though it hadn't been in the plan until last week.

I'll get back on Tuesday to find my living room furniture-less. Chris will be polishing the wood floors Wednesday and then Thursday our new furniture (check this post) will arrive! I will be busy preparing some wedding decorations and making the guest book and I go away for three days again the last weekend in May and then THE KIDS WILL BE HERE! I made the mistake of looking at my calendar before I left for work yesterday and I about had a panic attack in the car!

* b r e a t h e

i n

b r e a t h e

o u t *

Yes, that's my second countdown - to the wedding. It's going to go so fast now.

Ironically, even though I'm crazy busy at work and I know I only have 9 days left, the time is just creekping along - because I'm counting the days. The day itsself goes fast but the days are creeping by.

I do hope this theory works for the wedding countdown in May, too! Because there's still LOTS to do around here.

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Warning! Winter is holding spring hostage! No seriously - wait I AM serious! We decided to spend our Easter Sunday afternoon (Chris, Dustin and I) driving up to the Pine Creek area, just because we love it up there and also in hopes of spying the eagle we know is nesting in one certain area. It was freaking COLD! Geesh! I mean, it was 30-something and windy - just raw!

But it's always beautiful up there and see the eagle we did:

This was taken with my optical zoom - to the max. I think the photo turned out fairly well, considering. And it was nice of the eagle to be sitting out on an open branch like that. We couldn't tell if there were any young in the nest and we only saw just this one. We did see another one in a different location a little later. He/she was flying and getting hassled by a hawk. Maybe out hunting or even trying to dissuade the hawk from getting near the nest. Who knows? But it was - as always - such a treat to see them.

We also saw this little guy - a SURE sign of spring:

We cruised on over to Blackwell (our beloved summer cabin rental location) and then on up to Morris where we had supper. I just had a burger, but, wow, it was DEElicious!

We did manage to have a great day together, even if Dustin did keep saying he wished it was summer. Not me! I don't want to miss spring - whenever it finally gets here!