Friday, September 01, 2006

Company's comin'!

Uninvited company - but he's coming anyway. Ernesto, that is. Not to minimize at all any damage or tragedy that may have come to others as a result of this storm, but I really don't mind that he's coming. If I'm stuck inside that means I can hunker down in my scrap room or snuggled on the couch with the present book I'm reading without feeling any guilt whatsoever. Sure, I could be cleaning or cooking, but why focus on little unpleasantries like that?

I'm at work and have another hour and twenty minutes to go... The wind is picking up and the radar indicates that the storm has entered south central PA and is headed directly for us. I hope I can get home before the torrents start. My tires tend to hydroplane.

I'm starting a new scrapping project. It's part two of a four part series. Part one = all about "me". I've already finished this book. It was quick and fun to think about all the journaling questions that were presented. Part two = all about "you" - meaning DH, of course. Except it's really set up to be done from my perspective and, to me, that's still about me and not Chris. So, I've changed it up alot, added a bunch of quizzes for Chris. It should be fun. The third part is about the boys/fam together and the last is the year in review. I appreciate the continuity of a kit and how the elements all work together. In this case, the placement of the page and journaling is all pre-suggested as well. So it's nice for a quick little project. But, I've also felt free to make it my own. I'll post a page or two in an upcoming blog. You can see the kit here.

I suppose I'd better get back to work. I'm looking forward to this three day weekend - rain or shine!

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