Monday, June 30, 2008

Psst! Calling all GIRLS!

There's some excitement going on at SIStv today! If you're a girl, you'll remember how much fun it was to either have or go to a slumber party when you were, um, younger! :) Well TODAY (Monday), we're having an all-day slumber party that will last into the wee hours. Because we're celebrating the release of this fabulous new collection called Girly Girl: much yummy stuff!

AND - if you purchase this lovely new collection at the SIStv Boutique before midnight tonight, you will be entered in a drawing to win this delicious piles of goodies:

(Here's a list of the delectable loot: 1 Happy Camper Owl Tote Bag 1 6x8 Scrapworks Anthologie Album 1 Pack Roller Rink Thickers in Purple Glitter 1 Pack Hambly DIY Rub Ons in Kelly Green 1 Pack Sassafras Bloosoms in Blue 1 Pack Making Memories Passport Border and Tag Stickers 1 Set of Jenni Bowlin Journaling Cards 2 Sets of Jenni Bowlin Tickets 1 Set of Jenni Bowlin Crown Numbers Rub Ons 1 Craft Pick, 1 Craft Scratcher, and 1 Craft Knife by Tonic 1 Scotch Craft Glue w/2 Way Applicator 1 Set of Happy Camper Buttons 1 White Signo Pen 1 Scenic Route Caught On Film Stamp 1 Set of Fontwerks Alphabet Stamps 4 Bottles of Vintage Glass Glitter 1 Bottle of Glimmer Mist 1 Roll of SIStv Teal Houndstooth Gaffer Tape)

Now, if you're thinking, but I don't have any girls to scrap about, honey, what about yourSELF? You are SO scrap-worthy!

AND, because, well, girly-girls just like to have fun, there will be ALL sorts of fun stuff happening throughout the day, like contests, challenges, games. And, yes, girls, there will be prizes to be won!

So get on over to SIStv on Monday, June 30th and enjoy being a GIRL!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

(Credits: lavendar paper, Acrylic Hearts - Audrey Neal (Iconic); turquoise paper - Audrey Neal (Outlook); Stitching - Audrey Neal (Drama Queen); Title Alphie (Dandelion) - Audrey Neal (GitRDone - recolored); Title Alphie - (in the) - Audrey Neal (Morning Glory) - All available at the Digital Boutique at SIStv. Also - grass brush - AnaRasha; Frame - Kate Pertiet (SnapFrames); Fonts - Bleeding Cowboys (wind); SBC Distressed Typewriter (poem); PSE Action: Photoblast Pro Rose Gold)

Here's a new digi I did. If you click on the layout itself, you'll be much better able to read the little poem up in the corner of the layout - just perfect for that sweet photo of Eva.

Well, the movers came and picked up Matthew and Martha's boxed goods today. Whew. Now let's just pray it doesn't weigh too much and that they (the movers) properly label it and get the right stuff delivered to Muncy! Tomorrow's clean up on East Valley Lane in Rimrock, AZ and then they will say their good-bye's tomorrow night and head to PA on Saturday. May God protect them and deliver them safely to Muncy - as they are most precious cargo to us!
NEWSFLASH!!! I'm on SIStv! I mean the tv part of SIStv! This was filmed at the one year anniversary event two weeks ago in TN! Woooo hoooo! Check it out! It's video #73 when you do the linkie: CLICK HERE! (Disclaimer: myself on film? Ew...but FUN!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

That's one of the pages for the on-going album I'm doing for my Mom. I try to add a double-sided page to it once a month. Love the quote. And that's a freshly-rained-upon rhododendron on the bush in my front yard. Love that color!

June has been hot and cool and often rainy. We haven't had to water the plants on our deck very much ourselves - God has provided! But that makes everything lush and green. The skies have been a gorgeous blue and the clouds that come in late afternoon are always interesting. I haven't had any hammock time yet - it really needs to be quite warm for that. And most of our warm weather came was I was busy getting ready to go to TN. But, I'm sure we'll get more.

Right now, we're in VBS week. We have it at night now. I didn't think I would like that at first, but I'm a believer now. First of all it's a whole hour shorter - which suits my energy level just fine. But with it being in the evening, I can still get done during the day what I need to and then mosey on over to VBS after a light supper and hang out when I wouldn't have been doing much at home then anyway...

I got a birthday present in the mail this week - a new fixed 50mm f/1.8 lens for my Canon Rebel Xti. I can see that I'm going to need to figure a few things out with this lens - like what to set the f-stop at to get a crisp photo and where to stand (there's no zooming on this one). But already, I'm LOVING this lens! It lets in a lot of light - great for low-light situations. And it's FAST, so it stops action wonderfully. Here's a photo I took last night while my class was having recreation time:

So fun! Love how the boys have just landed and are caught at quite the interesting angle! :)

Tomorrow Emily and Deborah are coming up to finalize the invitations for the wedding, so I need to get at least one of my banking/bill-paying obligations done today. And I will be making a "little" sign to hang on my front porch oh, around next Tuesday...

And - I need to get some scrapping done. I must say, "I need to get some work done" because I DO have committments to keep! And then when you see me gleefully playing in my scrap room (or on the computer) then you'll know I'm really "working"! :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holy time warp, can it really be June 19th already?

Okay, I've been to TN and back now and have met so many of my fabulous SISters at SIStv, and almost all of my fellow design team members (aka Fashionistas) AND my adorable "boss" lady, the owner of SIStv, Jeanette (aka JJ). It was really surreal. When I first entered JJ's house, a lot of the Fashionistas were already there and they'd just had a little meeting with JJ, so they were all lined up right inside the door. There were all these faces that I recognized, but women I'd never met in person before. So it was kind of like they were all movie stars or something. Then we had the hug-fest and it was like going through a reception line at a wedding. Overwhelming and wonderful all at the same time.

I'm in awe at JJ and Bob's hospitality. They opened their home to 20-plus women, kept the kids under wraps, JJ's mom (Nancy, aka Mona) fed us and there were places for everyone that spent the night to lay their bodies. It was a crazy, messy, BUSY, fun time and we were all welcomed and made to feel at home. I never once saw their children complain - they were all smiles and adorable. JJ is THE woman!

The event was crazy busy and a ton of work from the fashionista's perspective - but also, for me and I'm sure many others, extremely gratifying to not only be able to help make this 1st anniversary happen, but also to meet so many fabulous women. From the SISters' perspective, I've heard it was a blast beyond compare. Sooo gratifying to know. I came home absolutely exhausted, but very, very full.

I didn't get much scrapping done at all and I knew I wouldn't. I got most of the page above done at the event - finished it off this a.m. The layout feature's Audrey Neal's new Morning Glory digi collection, soon to be available at the SIStv Digi Boutique. I also tried to work on a really cute coupon book that JJ taught in her class, but I was just too distracted. Besides meeting all the women, the other highlight of the event was to see other scrappers - and mighty talented ones at that - in the creative process. Sweet.

It was hotter than holy heck down in TN, but now that I'm back in PA, we are having a major cool down, so that is really a relief. THIS is the week that we WOULD have been renting our cabin up in Blackwell had I not gone to TN, so that turned out well. We're hoping for hot hot hot weather when we're up there in mid-July so we can take advantage of the fabulous swimming hole right in front of the cabin...

Next week is VBS - each night. I didn't really think I would like doing it at night, but it's actually great because you still have your day free. And then VBS happens when you weren't really doing much of anything anyway, except hangin' out on a summer evening.

And next week - on the 27th, Matthew and Martha will begin their cross-country trek to PA, leaving AZ behind, at least as a place of residence. I know they will miss it. There will be times they will wonder what in the heck they were thinking (like when it's 95 and 100% humidity here or when it's gray and icy and the wind chill is at 0 degrees). But we will be unspeakably thrilled to have them here. And I think we all agree that it really isn't about the weather, it's about family and being together. We will have both of our children - and their families (including fiances, wives, children and pets) within our immediate reach - just joy that we will soak up every single day... I can't wait.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I love this photo and I love how this layout turned out. It's the result of an online "round robin" game. There are 6 people on a "team" and the first person uploads a layout they've started with one or two elements on it. Then, everyone duplicates the layout using their own papers and "stuff". But the next person on the team also adds an element to the layout. Everyone duplicates that and then the third person adds something and so on. So the finished layout is your own "stuff" and photo(s), but kind of a teamwork effort as far as what kind of items were used and how they were placed. I know it may sound confusing, but it really isn't. And it's SO fun. Us scrapbookers DO like to have fun! ;) Of course, it goes without saying that I played this game on SIStv - and they have fun games every weekend.

Speaking of SIStv - TOMORROW I head to Philly, from where I fly out Thursday a.m. to TN for the first anniversary celebration of the web site. I am beyond excited! I get to meet, not only all the design team members and my boss lady, but all the wonderful SISters that I've made friends with over the past year. I just can't wait! There are tons of great activities planned - of which I get to be involved in presenting, being that I'm a fashionista (i.e. design team member). I'm sure I'll have lots of photos to post when I get back.

Another thing that I'm really looking forward to is getting some air conditioning time. It has been freaking HOT here. The kind where I sweat if I just move at all and where everything sticks and where it's hard to sleep and where it sucks the life out of me. When it's cold and I'm chilled to the bone, I forget how much I hate being hot like this. I'd rather be chilly. At least I can hop in the hot tub or put on a sweater... I'm really beginning to think I want to get some kind of air conditioning. Never thought I'd say it.

We're heading out at 9:30 a.m. so I need to go TRY to get some sleep. Hopefully all the M&M's I just ate and have a bit of a sugar buzz from will crash me into oblivion in about 20 minutes. (That was just for you, Martha...yes, I had M&M's - left over from the movies a while ago. I actually forgot I had 'em and found 'em today....Mmmmm!) ;)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Yes, I DO scrap photos of people that aren't my immediate family! This is my gorgeous neice, Emily all dressed up to parcipate in a "Make A Wish" event. She's an amazing young woman!
(Credits: Font - dahaut; bracket/photo template, tag, buttons, ribbon, brad - Shabby Miss Jenn - (Flea Market); Script paper - Kate Pertiet (Vintage Text); Swirl (recolored) - Sue Cummings)
Here's a fun little survey I copied and answered:
have you ever...
gone on a blind date? yep. married him. NO kids. divorced him 3 years later. blech. don’t ask.
skipped school? Once – in my senior year and, don’tcha know my parents found out? Geesh.
watched someone die? Yes. my dear little sister – she was 42, I was 44…cancer.
been to Canada? Yep – Chris and I double-dated with our BFF’s for our – wait for it – honeymoon! eyyyyy.
been to Mexico? Nope
been to Florida? Yep – Clearwater area – about 8 years ago – went parasailing!
been on a plane? So many times it’s not fun anymore
been lost? hoo boy
been on the opposite side of the country? why, yes. San Diego twice. AZ twice. And my very short college stint was in Utah and included a trip to LA.
gone to Washington, DC? Yes, several times. Last time I went, we went to the Holocaust Museum. Intense and moving – unforgettable.
swam in the ocean? yeah, but it’s not really my most fave thing in the world. too many creatures that can hurt me, not to mention the salt water. I will only wade at this point…
had your booze taken away by the cops? um, noooooo.
lettered in a high school sport? no, but I performed modern dance regularly – and got a standing o for doing a dance (with my girl, Amal) to the drum solo of “inagadadavida” by Iron Butterfly…
cried yourself to sleep? too many times. painful.
played cops and robbers? it was more “house” for me
played dolls? my favorite Christmas was when we spent it at my grandparents’ cabin and my older sis and I got the new Barbies with the black/white swimsuit… have I played dolls? and then, when I had allergies so bad I had to stay inside in the summer, I’d cut out paper dolls and entertain my sad little self for hours…
recently colored with crayons? does jr. church (teaching it) count?
sang Karaoke? only once in a group. I want too badly to actually be good and I think that would take the fun out of it…for everyone.
paid for a meal with coins only? back in the day when McD’s cheeseburgers were 35 cents!
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? almost every day
cheated on an exam? I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I did…
made prank phone calls? um, yeah
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? is snot a beverage?
caught a snowflake on your tongue? who hasn’t?
danced in the rain? ran around, yes. danced, no.
written a letter to Santa Claus? nope
been kissed under the mistletoe? duh!
watched the sunrise with someone you care about? yes – most memorably at Cadillac Mountain in Maine with Chris and the boys while on vacay. It’s the 1st place in the US of A that the sun hits in the a.m.
been arrested? nope (remember, I’m the one that can’t cheat on a test…)
blown bubbles? now, this is getting dumb
gone ice-skating? yeah, in IL, where I grew up, they froze over the tennis courts in the winter. Totally removed my fear of falling “in”. We went as often as we could.
been skinny dipping outdoors? yuppers (just what would be special about skinny dipping Indoors?)
had a nickname? same one I still have
been to Africa? ohhhhh, my lifelong dream – for reals. I must.
eaten cookies for dinner? how ‘bout strawberry shortcake? if that counts then, YES!
been on TV? yes – I was one of those crazy people jumping up and down and screaming outside the Today show – despite the gazillions of people I called to tell to watch, only my brother-in-law saw me. Even my husband forgot to watch OR tape it…
stolen any traffic signs? I’m telin’ ya – I don’t break the law…
been in a car accident? yes, a couple. the worst was when we were hit by some dude on heroin on new year’s eve. but we were all fine…
What is your....
mother's name? mary
favorite drink? water (unless I would say my morning coffee…)
favorite alcohol? bailey’s irish cream - yummmmmm
birthplace? indiana
favorite vacation spot? Ireland, so far
favorite salad dressing? Orlie’s Italian
favorite pie? no brainer – lemon meringue – mom used to make it for my birthday instead of a cake
favorite number? 140 – what I’d like to weigh
favorite movie? Lord of the Rings trilogy
favorite holiday? thanksgiving – it’s pure and unadulterated
favorite food? garlic. bread. hands down.
favorite day of the week? hmmm. don’t know…. it hardly matters anymore.
favorite brand of body wash? Philosophy
favorite toothpaste? don’t care
favorite smell? lily of the valley (or my 1st a.m. coffee)
Do you have any...
tattoos? tbd
body piercings? Ears
Do you drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door.
What do you do to relax? scrap, compute, tube out, read
How do you see yourself in 10 years? I don’t know - how do you? and would I if I could? I doubt it – that sounds scary.

Monday, June 02, 2008

(Credits: Lined pp—Jen Wilson (Lumiere); Striped pp—Jessica Sprague; Floral pp—Jessica Sprague; Torn paper edge—Jen Caputo (Curled Edges2); T-pin— (Moonrise); Journaling Tag—Katie Pertiet; Crocheted Ribbon—Shabby Miss Jenn (Flea Market); Blue Stitch (recolored) - Audrey Neal (Outlook); Moments Stamp—KPertiet (Stamped Moments); Swirl Brush—Michelle Coleman (Flourishes); Font—VTPortableRemington)

Up there's a recent digi page I did - as a guest designer (with my fellow design team members at SIStv) for the Scrapjacked blog. (Scroll down on the blog to see my layout.) For those that are scratching their heads over that one - "scrapjacking" is the highly complimentary act of making a scrapbook layout based on someone else's layout. If you check out the Scrapjacked blog, you'll see what I mean!

Chris and I got our flowers for the deck all planted this weekend - as well as the window boxes. I'll let them get established a little bit and then will take photos. I think our summer weather is beginning to settle in. Although, I have to say - knowing how hot and humid (not my favorite) it can get in the summer, I've been enjoying our extended spring.

We did get to eat our first meal al fresco on Friday - yay. Always something I love to do. But, again, back to the spring thing - there has been ginormous amounts of pollen in the air - and on every conceiveable surface - and I've been sneezing my head off upon occasion when it gets too much. And I don't even usually have spring allergies. I think it's due to a fairly mild winter. All the spring bushes and wild blooms have been very lush this year...

Chris is off playing golf today and I have a few projects to finish before I leave next week for SIStv's first anniversary event in TN. Can't WAIT for that! Fun, fun, fun is to be had! So I'm off for the day to get my scrap ON!