It's another stellar day in PA. (Hey, that rhymes!) But really, God, can you pleeeeease save one of these fab days for June 8th? I'm sorta happy it's supposed to start storming Thursday. For one thing, I won't have to water the plants, but for another thing, just how many perfect days in a row can you have? The odds are it can't last another 10 days, so we have to have some bad weather to break the cycle (and then start a NEW beautiful day cycle).
I found this new scrapbooking website and I'm so addicted. The site was started by the wife of one of the members of Audio Adreneline (a Christian band), so that's cool right from the start. But it's a new community, so I like getting in on the ground level. But most of all - the art/scrapping of many of the "SIStahs" is, like, WOW. I love that style. I've been soaking it in (til way into the wee hours) and can't get enough. There's a great challenge on right now that I'm getting ready to do a page for, but I feel I should finish the guest book for the wedding first. That should happen today (if I ever get off the computer).
I made a list for the guys for yesterday and everything got done and then my dear friend Deborah invited us for dinner, so that was a lifesaver. Didn't know WHAT in the world we were gonna eat. I'm not shopping til Thursday, so my cupboards are a little bare.
Today Dustin is going to mow and slap one more layer of paint on the basement door. And then tomorrow it's clean up the crap day. Upstairs, b'cause those raging cleaning ladies are coming to do the bedrooms and upstairs bathroom Thursday (hence, my grocery shopping trip that day) and the basement so that Judy can have a clean place to do the flowers for the wedding.
Then......there's, like, a doorknob to install and wastebasket to purchase and WE ARE DONE. Oh, no, wait. We're still getting more stuff delivered Friday - a new living room rug and chair and a new sleeper sofa (i.e. COMFORTABLE - FINALLY) for downstairs (and an ottoman for said sofa). Presuming that all that stuff will INDEED be delivered on time, we should, dare I say it?, be FINISHED on Friday! I think Chris and I shall go out and do a pre-wedding celebration Friday night. We (especially he - and Dustin) have been working out patooties OFF!
Speaking of off, I'm off to work on my Experiencing God study and then scrappin' (i.e. guest book...)