I just got this fabulous digital kit by Katie Pertiet over at designerdigitals.com and couldn't wait to pull out some of my (many) "vintage" photos to scrap. I guess I'm old enough to be considered vintage at this point! :) The photo is, I believe, at our house in Ohio and, obviously, pre-Dave. That's Barb and I (I'm on the right) in the nurse get-up and seated are John and Sue. There's nothing like being a kid at Christmas time. I wish I could get back that feeling of wonder and magic that you have when you're little. Now, at 55 years of age, I only get it in little mini-bursts of nostalgia that hit during a favorite carol, or while I'm looking at my lit tree with all the lights off or while I'm watching a favorite Christmas movie...
We had a beautiful snow all day yesterday. We ended up with about 5-6 inches. Not too bad, but still so pretty. All the areas schools and etc. were closed. That's another thing I don't remember happening as a kid. We had tons of snow in Illinois, where I did most of my school years. But I don't recall the school closing because of it - except for once. I do remember one time that my Mom just insisted that we wear boots to school that day. Pft. NOT cool. Wouldn't be caught dead in those clunkers. So I didn't listen. Apparently, she knew something that I didn't. We had a huge snow that day - and this time I do remember getting out early, but I had to trudge home from the bus - a long block - in regular shoes - in a good 8-plus inches of snow. It could have even been more because our driveway wasn't plowed and I remember it being really hard to walk through... The moral of the story is, kiddies, ALWAYS listen to your mother! :) My feet were soaked and frozen by the time I got home...
Tonight we're heading up to Williamsport to Franco's for dinner with Bob and Kellie. I usually end up getting their wonderful ginger/tamari grilled salmon. Yum - I can taste it now. After dinner, we're going to the Wmspt. Chamber Choir and Orchestra concert. We've been doing this for several years and it's always so wonderful. Gorgeous music to get you in the holiday mood.
We're pretty much set for our trip to AZ. I still have to do one more thing with M&M's album, which I'm going to do in just a minute. And then all I really have to do is wrap up a few more gifts and get everything ready to mail. I'm mostly done with that, too. It seems like there are little loose ends to tie up - forEVER!
Well, they're calling for yet another Saturday into Sunday snow "event" tomorrow. It looks like church could be in trouble again. Ouch. (I say this as the treasurer...) And we were going to have our "family business" meeting afterwards - which has been cancelled twice before now. We'll have to see what happens, but it doesn't look good at this point.
One thing I'm SO grateful for is that it looks like clear sailing for driving to H-burg Tuesday night and flying away Wednesday a.m. Whew! I don't care what it's like when we get back (I shouldn't say that...) but I just want to GET there with no trouble. I can't wait!
Off to tie up loose ends! :)